Dr. Eric Vandenhouten
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If you're looking to naturally enhance your health and take care of your body, you've come to the right place. As an NCCAOM-certified professional, The NCCAOM is the only national organization that validates entry-level competency in the practice of acupuncture and Oriental medicine (AOM) through professional certification. As a graduate of their rigorous certification program,
I'm deeply trained in the art and science of how to improve your health. So if you want to live a more vibrant and radiant life, I've got the training and the expertise to help you every step of the way.
Dr. Eric Vandenhouten received all of his medical degrees from Zhejiang Chinese Medicine University (ZCMU) of the People's Republic of China (PRC). All three medical degrees were taught exclusively in the language of Mandarin and not in the English language including classes, exams, and internships. His first medical degree was a bachelor of medicine majoring in Acupuncture-Moxibustion and Tuina (ABT) from ZCMU PRC in 2008 and is credentialed by AACRAO an approved U.S.A. credential evaluation service as equivalent to a U.S.A. regionally
academic accredited first professional degree in medicine. This program is comparable to the U.S.A. Pre-Med and medical school curriculum M.D. program with a focus centered on integrative acupuncture, tuina, and Oriental medicine complementing conventional mainstream biomedicine. Internships at various ZCMU affiliated medical faclities but mainly at the Zhejiang Provincial Hospital of Chinese Medicine and the Acupuncture and Tuina Hospital affiliated with ZCMU. During his Bachelor's degree, Dr. Eric Vandenhouten was very active in school activities
with teaching English as a second language (ESL) at the ZCMU university English Corner, a member of the ZCMU university Wushu martial arts team, assistant instructor of the ZCMU university as well as the head instructor of the Zhejiang University, Yuquan Campus Tae Kwon Do clubs and clinical interrupter for other overseas continuing education students. He taught ESL part-time in the private sector throughout his Bachelor's degree in the evenings, weekends, and holidays as a means to support himself throughout medical school.
Dr. Eric Vandenhouten was Zhejiang University Provincial Tae Kwon Do sparring champion (WTF) 2 years in a row back to back 2007 â— 2008, volunteered as a doctor of Oriental medicine at the ZCMU student simulated hospital from its opening in 2004 to graduation in 2008, received 100 certified hours as a clinical interpreter from ZCMU International education college (IEC), and was the first U.S.A. national to receive a Bachelor of Medicine from ZCMU.
In 2012 he received a master of medicine majoring in Acupuncture and Tuina (ABT) from ZCMU, PRC, and is credentialed by AACRAO an approved U.S.A. credential evaluation service as an equivalent to a U.S.A. regionally academic accredited master’s degree in medicine. This master of medicine program was focused on integrative acupuncture, tuina, and Oriental medicine mainly clinical study in a hospital setting within the departments of acupuncture and tuina at the Acupuncture and Tuina
Hospital affiliated with ZCMU. During his master's degree, Dr. Eric Vandenhouten still remained active in school activities teaching English ESL at the ZCMU university English corner, assistant instructor of the ZCMU university also the head instructor of the Zhejiang University, Xixi Campus Tae Kwon Do clubs. He started a small business in the USA called
GLOBAL WISCONSIN GINSENG TRADING LTD. (GWGT) then entered the PRC international Oriental medical material wholesale trading industry, by 2018 GWGT was the Ginseng Board of Wisconsin, Inc. (GBW) official GBW Medical Research consultant. He also continued to teach ESL part-time in the private sector throughout his master's degree in the evenings, weekends, and holidays to support himself throughout graduate school
. Dr. Eric Vandenhouten volunteered as a doctor of Oriental medicine at the ZCMU student simulated hospital from 2008 to graduation in 2012 and received an honorary credential for his article published in the university's 50th year anniversary solicit articles book in 2009.
After his master's degree graduation Dr. Eric Vandenhouten was invited by Five Branches University San Jose, CA to be the Mandarin interpreter for the Dr. Shi Xuemin Inaugurates New Stroke Research Centers cooperation between Five Branches University and the Tianjin University On Saturday, November 10, 2012, and was also offered a teaching position at Five Branches University but declined the offer to pursue private business and further education in the PRC. Dr. Eric
Vandenhouten studied fine arts Mandarin continuing education courses at the China Academy of Art Hangzhou PRC from 2012 fall to 2013 spring. He then worked full-time in the international Oriental medical material wholesale trading industry and continued to teach ESL in the private sector. After teaching ESL in a multitude of settings, levels, and age groups from 2004 to 2016 his English teaching career ended (A video made from the last teaching position held at Conci International a fine art study abroad consulting service center) Sohu Publication. He advanced in his medical career
in 2016 by becoming a permanent licensed "Acupuncturist" (L.Ac. Industry abbreviation norm) issued by the State of Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services (DSPS). Prior to the start of his ZCMU internal medicine doctorate degree program in 2017, a flurry of acupuncture and Oriental medicine activity took place. It was during this year's prior enrollment into the ZCMU internal medicine doctorate degree program that Dr. Eric Vandenhouten became a “doctor of Oriental medicine" ("D.O.M.") and an NCCAOM-certified professional Dipl. O.M. (NCCAOM)®.
Dr. Eric Vandenhouten was interviewed by the HANGZHOU DAILY PRESS GROUP for his accomplishments of research into acupuncture and Oriental medicine in early 2017. The interview focused on his inspiration to come to medical school in Hangzhou PRC after reading an acupuncture book in 2002 at his is local Library the Brown County Central Library, Green Bay, WI (Subsequent publications that followed) Zhejiang daily Press Group Publication, HANGZHOU DAILY PRESS GROUP Publication, Hangzhou Feel Publication (English subtitles), Tencent Publication, HANGZHOU DAILY PRESS GROUP health Publication, Zhejiang Radio & TV GROUP (CZTV) Publication, Hangzhou.com.cn Publication, Hzdaily Metro Publication. He was later chosen to be
“Person of the year” at the Hangzhou quality of life review on 06.03.2017 for his accomplishments in acupuncture and Oriental medicine in Hangzhou PRC (Subsequent publications that followed) Sohu Publication, Hangzhou.com.cn Publication, Westlake University Publication, Chinanews.com Publication, kknews Publication, kknews Publication, Hangzhou.com.cn Publication, Zjol Publication, 66wz.com Publication, Tencent Publication, Tencent Publication.
In 2020 Dr. Eric Vandenhouten received a doctor of medicine majoring in Internal Medicine of Oriental Medicine from ZCMU PRC and is credentialed by ECE an approved U.S.A. credential evaluation service as an equivalent to a U.S.A. regionally academic accredited doctorate degree in medicine. This Doctor of Medicine program was focused on integrative internal medicine of Oriental medicine mainly clinical study in a hospital setting within the department of rheumatology internship at Zhejiang Provincial Hospital of
Chinese Medicine affiliated with ZCMU. Dr. Eric Vandenhouten was interviewed by Zhejiang news and China Central Television (CCTV) in 2019 regarding his accomplishments and research into acupuncture and Oriental medicine in Hangzhou PRC (Subsequent publications that followed) China Central Television (CCTV) Publication (Appearance on actual running time on segment 31:17 - 33:29 & 38:18 - 38:45).
Dr. Eric Vandenhouten after leaving for medical school to the city of Hangzhou in the PRC during summer 2003 close to 20 years of living overseas full time finally returned to his hometown of Green Bay, WI in the spring of 2021. In the summer of 2021, Dr. Eric Vandenhouten was interviewed by the Brown County Library for his academic achievements
and impact on the library to inspire others (Subsequent publications that followed) Brown County Library Facebook Posting, Brown County Library Instagram Posting.
After Dr. Eric Vandenhouten finished the building on the WaoMirc (WISCONSIN ACUPUNCTURE & ORIENTAL MEDICINE INTEGRATIVE RESEARCH CONSORTIUM) clinic the grand opening was on 12.16.2022 in Green Bay Wisconsin. WaoMirc now serves the acupuncture and Oriental medicine care needs of the people of Northeast Wisconsin (Subsequent publications that followed) www.greenbaypressgazette.com,
www.yahoo.com/news/, www.autos.yahoo.com, www.msn.com, obyekbiosfir.com.